The Short and Sweet Guide to Being Fucking Awesome


People will tell you that there are all kinds of yardsticks to measure progress.

What they don’t say is that most of them are worthless.

Money, career, fame… whatever. That’s all fine and good, but the bottom line is that there is one thing– just one– that really matters.

Being fucking awesome.

You can be broke and be awesome. You can be in a wheelchair and be awesome. You can be homeless and be awesome. You can even be dead and be awesome.

You want a purpose to your life? I got one for ya.

From this day forth, your purpose is to be the most fucking awesome person you can imagine being.

Quick story: in my early 20s I used to hang out with piercers and tattoo artists a lot. It was the 90s, and a bunch of us were getting crazy parts of their bodies pierced.

One day I walked up to my piercer friend, Azl, who was pretty much covered with tattoos. Incidentally, he’s now an amazing poker player with a huge backpiece of a king of diamonds (with an axe in his head). Epic.

Anyway, I walk up to him one day in the studio and I ask: “What is it like to look down at your arms and know that all these tattoos are yours– that this is what your arms look like?”

Pausing for a moment for dramatic effect, he answered: “Julien, It is fucking awesome,” and smiled widely.

That’s pretty much it right there.

What kind of friends do you want to have?

What kind of job do you want?

What kind of life do you want to have?

The answer to all of these is simple: you want friends, work, and everything else to be awesome. The more your life is awesome, the better everything is, and the happier you are, whoo!

Seriously, being awesome should be a fucking religion.

There are three– count ’em, three– standards for awesome. Here they are, in no particular order of bigness.

1. Yourself

I was thinking about this yesterday while I was taking a break from exploring this town in Malaysia where I am right now. I sat down and “counted my blessings” or whatever. Here’s some of what I came up with.

  • I have an amazing, supportive girlfriend who also happens to be gorgeous.
  • I have great friends– the same people I’ve known for close to 20 years, and I meet great new people all the time.
  • I co-wrote a bestselling book and am working on another.
  • Etc.

If you put this in the context of my 24 year old self, who worked in a call centre, finished at 2am and walked home in the snow, was pretty heavily in debt, and ate nothing but bread and hummus (not kidding), then you realize that pretty much anyone can become more awesome. This means you.

But wait, there’s more! What’s great about the world of awesome is that it’s totally subjective. You don’t have to care about the ways I do it, and I don’t have to like yours. The main judge is yourself, and whether you like yourself more than you did yesterday or last year.

If you do, congratulations! You are becoming, or already are, awesome. But here’s the clincher.

This is only true if you are honest with yourself.

There are a lot of people (people in public relations, or something) who claim that maybe their job is awesome. Or maybe guys that make a lot of money and think that they can be in on this love-fest too. Wrong.

Doing something prestigious does not equal being awesome. In other words, awesome does not look the same close-up as it does from far away. Which brings us to the next point.

2. Your friends/peers

Who are the people that you care about, and that you work with? For me, that’s people like my family, my close friends, my girlfriend, and people I respect in this industry we call the internet.

People who know you are a great judge of whether or not you are awesome, and also, how to become more awesome. But again, only the people who are willing to tell you the truth.

Yesterday, for example, I got a Facebook message from my friend Jason telling me that Snooki, of Jersey Shore fame, is now a New York Times bestselling author. The kind of person that does this is the kind of person you should be counting on; ie, people that keep you grounded.

So one of the litmus tests for whether you are awesome is the people around you who don’t believe the hype. Hey, speaking of hype, enter your email below. Thanks.

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Your peers, btw, can see things you definitely can’t, or won’t. You’re too used to yourself– this is why you think you’re handsome and that your beer belly “doesn’t look that bad.” (Neither of which have anything to do with being awesome, but you get my point.) Other people will always see you better than you can see yourself.

Do you have people around you that you can count on? Then I suggest you go ask them. Find the most awesome people you know and ask them how.

Optionally, ask Twitter. Seriously. A first impression is often just as good as someone who’s known you your whole life (speaking of which, don’t ask your mom).

If you speak to a bunch of people, and they all think you’re great, super! You might be awesome. But, then again, it’s possible that you actually have another problem. See below.

3. Your world

Ok, so first of all, your world is as big as you want it to be, so it’s not important what you choose here, with one condition.

If you are already awesome to everyone in your world, then your world needs to get bigger.

You do this by getting out of the little pond and doing new things, or having a positive influence on people outside of your sphere. You ever notice how people who volunteer (if they’re not self-righteous) tend to be fucking awesome?

I’m pretty sure there’s actually a relationship between how many people you help outside of your sphere and how awesome people inside your sphere think you are. Makes sense right?

My friend Nicole, for example, just told me about a friend of hers who helps children get out of the sex industry in Thailand. How awesome is that. And here’s what’s particularly cool about it: if you wanted, you could be them.

Seriously, it’s that easy. You can just decide to become more awesome, whichever way you want, and then look it up on the internet to figure out how. The knowledge automagically makes your world bigger, which makes you more awesome. Then you just go ahead and do that thing, which is easy because you just figured out how. Whoo!

Anyway, what was my point with this? Oh yes. Being awesome is now your new religion. Welcome to the Cult of Awesome. It’s very exclusive, but there are lots of perks.

Your job is now to look out to the wide world, and take a look at what impresses you, at what you find absolutely great, and then find ways to become more like that.

We need more awesome people in this world, and I would like you to be one of them.

Thank you for reading. Please subscribe below.



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159 responses to “The Short and Sweet Guide to Being Fucking Awesome”

  1. @DanielDoherty Avatar

    There was me thinking I just needed to be happy and try to get as many people (I care about) as possible to be happy too.

    Right back to the drawing board and now I’ll try to be fucking awesome too….

    Thanks for a great read and some thought poking : )


    Found you via a RT from the awesome @GabrielleNYC who tweeted….

    Gotta love straight talking 🙂 – RT @julien: The Short and Sweet Guide to Being Fucking Awesome

  2. Katie Mack Avatar

    Love the message. Why shouldn’t EVERYONE try to be fucking awesome??!! I’d like to join the Cult of Awesome. Starting today!

  3. WillSamolis Avatar

    Great Post to read on a Monday morning.

  4. Robert Wall Avatar

    Julien, love the post, and I especially love the shark graphic at the top of the page.

    I can attest to the fact that volunteering opens up your world – all you need to do is go find an organization in your community that does something you’re even mildly interested in, and volunteer.

    It’ll blow your doors wide open.

    Have an awesome day!

  5. Dave Huffman Avatar

    Might sound picky or whatever, but with the word “awesome” being thrown around so much these days, it was great to finally see someone mention that “awesome” is totally subjective.

    Thanks for being an early inspiration in 2011, your Stop Being a Pussy post still resonates with me 😉


  6. Daniel Decker Avatar

    Most excellent, inspiring, true and f-bombing awesome post. : )

  7. Eric Jean Avatar

    “Stop Being a Fucking Pussy” and “The Cult of Awesomeness” are the only principles (in whatever form they are expressed) that anyone will ever need: doing things which are difficult or take sustained effort generally equates to being awesome.

    Awesome = reading/ translating Beowulf from the original (and eventually completing my own, complete translation to share). Also, it requires not being a fucking pussy. Beowulf is to be emulated! (hope you enjoyed the 250 lines or so I sent you.)

  8. Jonathan Vaudreuil Avatar

    You know it’s good when it’s Julien – but it’s true genius when a shark is flying through outer space to top it off.

    Great Monday morning reminder. I don’t know how much time of mine is spent explaining to my wife that you can’t care too much about pleasing everyone else, otherwise you’ll never be awesome to yourself. She helps me remember to be awesome for everyone else, of course.

  9. Rick Wolff Avatar

    I missed something. How does hearing Snooki wrote a successful book keep you grounded?

  10. Ellie Di Avatar

    I finally realised the other day that I’m awesome. I’m not travelling the world, writing a bestseller, making passive income, or helping at the community centre, but I’m awesome. Working on being awesomer (more awesome?).

  11. Thomas MacDonald Avatar
    Thomas MacDonald

    You ever have one of those moments/days/weeks when you are thinking about change and you come across a piece of writing that makes things a little bit clearer. One just took place in my world, thanks for posting on a Monday morning Juien. Being awesome is all in how you look at and I am happy to be a part of the Cult of Awesome.

  12. @StaceySoleil Avatar

    Julien…EPIC!!! And brilliant call to action in the middle of the post. #Kudos

  13. christine eaves Avatar
    christine eaves

    Thanks, is was looking for an adventure today. Lets see where being awesome will lead!

  14. Jason Avatar

    I think you may have misinterpreted my remarks regarding Snookie`s ascent to literary greatness. I wasn’t so much trying to comment on the worth of the NYT Bestseller’s nomination process, but rather to express my sadness over the success of her “book” over actual literature. Subsequent to that it occurred to me that you (with Chris) made that list at some point, and that it is unfortunate that a piece of diseased television sewer-trash can also lay claim to such an achievement.

    On being f’n awesome: I think it may possibly be easier to attain this mythical state by simply espousing a basic set of principles that call upon respect, compassion, integrity, and generosity in some fashion. When operating with these elements constantly guiding your thoughts and your actions, awesomeness is your for the taking. Being a shark, a t-rex or a desert puma does confer some natural advantages however…

  15. Martyn Chamberlin... Avatar
    Martyn Chamberlin…

    “Doing something prestigious does not equal being awesome.” That’s right. Time and time again we get this mixed up. Great job Julien.

    You can be poor and unfamous and ugly and be awesome.

    You just don’t hear that stuff very often.

    The funny part is, as you become awesome you start doing prestigious stuff.

    But you don’t do prestigious stuff and become awesome.

  16. Naomi Avatar

    I’ve already christened 2011 as the year of my ascent into awesomeness. Wish me luck.

    1. Jeff Avatar

      Hi, random person from the past. I’m curious. How has your awesomeness turned out?

      1. Jenny Avatar

        Hey there stranger,

        I’m gonna join the religion of Awesome now. I will check back here in December 2014 to see how many more comments there are. Good luck on your awesomeness goal!

  17. Whitney Hoffman Avatar

    Awesome also takes focus and drive. You gotta dig deep and challenge yourself to do a little more than you thought you could every day. ie. Lift Heavy or Go Home. Focus and commitment helps make awesome an ever-closer reality.

  18. Michele Welch Avatar

    You are good! Just one thing to say – YOU are fuckin’ awesome!!

    ~Cult of Awesomeness Member

  19. Bridget Avatar

    And realizing that you are “fucking awesome” — right now! Just being as awesome as you can be in this very moment, and being satisfied exactly where you are, is a great way to go forward into the ultimate version of your awesome life. You will not awesome “when …” You ARE

  20. Bridget Avatar

    And realizing that you are “fucking awesome” — right now! Just being as awesome as you can be in this very moment, and being satisfied exactly where you are, is a great way to go forward into the ultimate version of your awesome life. You will not awesome “when …” You ARE awesome right now. Thanks for this today. It inspires my daily writing.

  21. Sherman Rockwell Avatar
    Sherman Rockwell

    I want to ride that shark!

  22. Elaine Spitz Avatar
    Elaine Spitz

    Good luck everyone! Let’s make ourselves awesome “automagically”. Julian, you’re ridiculously good at drawing people in.

    PS: You’re right, don’t ask your Mom. My kids know this too well.

  23. Elaine Spitz Avatar
    Elaine Spitz

    Oh rats! I meant “Julien” – sorry.

  24. Maureen Avatar

    Thanks! I needed this post as I am about to embark on a fantastic journey of my own fucking awesomeness. This post was just what I needed. 🙂

  25. mahalie Avatar

    I started thinking this post was awesome and then my head hurt from trying to read it, cause I’m a dinosaur. But then I remembered that I’m an awesome dinosaur with skillz and so I added ‘background: #fff !important’ to your body tag and woah, I finished reading your post which continued to be awesome.

  26. Carla Avatar

    I’m nailing your tenants to my door. Time for some revisionist, revolutionary declarations!

  27. Amy Tobin Avatar

    I love the awesome goal; I love the F-bombing all over the place even more. It’s my favorite Adjective.

  28. Dana Helland Avatar
    Dana Helland

    I love this post. I think it brings to light that being awesome really IS subjective – something I think many of us are apt to forget. Also, what “seems” awesome from across the way (I always think of that couple from Christmas Vacation with the matching jogging suits) isn’t always so. Thanks for thinking and sharing, and keep on going with YOUR awesomeness!

  29. Suzi Avatar

    I can’t find the language to tell you how much I LOVE this blog post. I’m pushing for Awesomeness! And I’m sending this blog post to all those I think are AWESOME. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this!

  30. Jennifer Avatar

    Thank you for this. 🙂

  31. scotty tuesday Avatar

    Thanks Julien. I’ve been building my fucking awesomeness for a while and doing a pretty fucking rad job. Using the awesome power of rock & roll to spread the vibe.


  32. Peter Paluska Avatar

    I’ll have one heaping helping of awesome, please! Actually, make it a double! With a shot of Fucking Holy Crap! That’s Incredible@#^%!
    Thanks for the insightful, signature take on important matters, as always, Julien!


  33. Andrea Owen Avatar

    How do we not know each other IRL? Anyway, this post is fucking awesome. Shared it a bazillion times.

  34. char Avatar

    that was awesome.

  35. Mark Harai Avatar

    What an awesome fucking post Julien!

    “You can even be dead and be awesome” – Haha

    Cheers to awesomeness and awesome people!

  36. Chad Avatar

    Speaking of awesome.. I met this guy one time that had the word ‘hardcore’ tattooed on the inside of his lower lip.

  37. Arthur Avatar

    … fucking awesome.

    Hell yea!

  38. Mike Avatar

    That’s really awesome, i mean if i could just become more awesome, it would be awesome. I gotta spend some time thinking about becoming more awesome, just spending time will be awesome thinking becoming more awesome. I mean the time spent thinking about being awesome is just simply awesome. I’m not talking about becoming awesome down the road, I’m talking about just the TIME spent becoming awesome will be awesome. Look, I’ll probably spend like 5 minutes just thinking about becoming more awesome, that’s going to be an awesome 5 minutes. Right there I will become more awesome by spending 5 minutes thinking about becoming more awesome.

  39. Matt Avatar

    You’re a fucking inspiration.

  40. Tod M Avatar
    Tod M

    Penned by the world’s leading authority on being awesome! 🙂

    Miss you dude. 🙂

  41. marishka Avatar

    LOVE this post and your positive view and enthusiasm to let others know that they can be awesome if they choose to be. I have a small event community called INSTINCT that follows a similar philosophy of inner self driving your actions. Truth, Courage, Honour, Curiosity and passion are the elements that I believe we need to embrace in order to be ‘awesome’
    Cheers and keep up the great work
    Marishka/DJ Mish’Chief

  42. IamDavid Avatar

    This should be renanamed: The Short and Sweet Guide To Making Viral Fucking Content. Superior work as always.

  43. Jelena Avatar

    “This is only true if you are honest with yourself.”

    “The knowledge automagically makes your world bigger”

    “We need more awesome people in this world, and I would like you to be one of them.”

    To the point!

    This world have better futer ,then i thought.

    Thx Jelena

  44. Josh Avatar

    Great post Julien!

    Amazing how we go through our lives without thinking about a benchmark for what we want. Of course there’s always the material goal setting crap, but that doesn’t translate to creating a life that we get excited about.

    Asking thought provoking, reflective questions of oneself has always been left to the philosopher’s and naval-gazers, but I think questions like ‘What can you do today to make your day fucking awesome?’ is exactly what more of us need to focus on.

    Keep rockin’ the goodness!

  45. Peter Flaschner Avatar

    You know what’s awesome? Having friends who point out awesome posts like this.

    I really couldn’t agree more: the very purpose of life is to be awesome.

  46. Juli Avatar

    Prior to reading this, I was an atheist; now I’m an Awesomist.

  47. Todd Schnick Avatar

    saddens me to see people more worried about who thinks their fucking awesome, instead of focusing on just being fucking awesome.

    and don’t tell me you are fucking awesome. I (we) decide you are fucking awesome. but it starts with you knowing, deep down, that you are fucking awesome.

    does that make sense?

  48. Daan van den Bergh Avatar


    I was just thinking about that. What is it with people always depending on friends and peers to decide if they’re fucking awesome.

    You are awesome if you live the life you want to live, you do what is good for you and you are who you want to be.

    The status of your friends doesn’t say shit about their awesomeness, and it doesn’t say shit about how awesome you are.

    YOU DECIDE if you are awesome. Nobody else.

  49. Lilian Avatar

    Great piece of advice that kicks us in the butt to just go and do our thing.

    p/s: Hope you tried Chicken Rice Balls in that town 🙂

  50. Cameron Avatar

    I only thought I was fucking Awesome.
    But now I’m going to Out Awesome myself.

  51. John McLachlan Avatar

    Being “fucking awesome” or even just “awesome” is a lot easier said than done.

    The challenge is for each of the 50 commenters so far plus me to actually show that we can be awesome, not just ra-ra-rah and give high-fives.

    Let the work begin (or carry on, as the case may be).

  52. Edgar Ochoa Avatar

    Great post Julien.

    Count me in — I’d like to be part of the “Cult of Awesome”…

  53. Collin @ The Trailblazing Life Avatar

    I feel so fucking awesome after reading this post.

    The cool thing is that it’s often just a state of mind. One day I feel completely and utterly awesome. The next I don’t. Heck, my awesomeness can even fluctuate with the hour.

    But in reality, I haven’t changed as a person in that hour. It’s just my mentality of myself. My personal perception. I notice when I’m not feeling my awesomest when I care about how I’m being perceived by others.

    But if I forget it and remember who I am and what I’m all about (and forget about whether someone else thinks I’m awesome or not) than I truly become fucking awesome.

    You just defibrillated my brain.

  54. Era Avatar

    And by being fucking awesome, you end up getting a fucking status…

  55. Cheryl Allin Avatar

    Whoa… Truly brilliant and so “snap you right out of your seat” inspiring! I’m two days late, but thanks to Chris Brogan sharing this in Google reader, I won’t miss the Awesome party! Awesome for President in 2012! Thanks, Julien. I’m glad I’ve found you.

  56. Jennie Avatar

    Superb, thank you!

    Fucking awesome stuff!

  57. Vanessa Avatar

    This post is fucking awesome. LOVE it. Glad to have found you. Stay fucking awesome.

  58. R R Dasgupta Avatar
    R R Dasgupta

    Extremely Relevant Thinking. Great Job!!

  59. Katie Mack Avatar

    I stumbled across something in Tumblr that had you in it and I am glad a made my way over.

    You fucking rock.

  60. Minneapolis Matt Avatar
    Minneapolis Matt

    I’m with you 99%. My last two New Year resolutions have been “to be awesome;” and I can’t see myself not owning up to my own word.

    Enthusiasm is contagious. We need to keep spreading it, because it makes great things happen; and it makes for a happier society (and isn’t that the ultimate quest for the founding of America?).

    The 1% I’m not with you is putting it in terms of “cult” and “exclusive,” even if it’s for the sake of being witty. I think those terms confuse your original message of awesomeness, which is an awesome one.

  61. Mike Abasov Avatar

    This is Fucking… Epic!

  62. Corey McMahon Avatar

    This article is AWESOME. Thanks Chris, I feel great after reading this!

  63. Grace White Avatar

    Love it that your posts always make me think and then do all the while smiling. Your awesomeness is contagious~~~~

  64. Corey McMahon Avatar

    Sorry for calling you Chris.. Thanks JULIEN!

  65. Barbara Zajac Avatar

    Great post, I will share this message with whoever will listen, it’s great what you wrote. Awesome 🙂 As I can see you’ve read that many times 🙂 I will return to have a look at any/all the other lessons/insights you give. A deep, sincere Thank you.

  66. Kerry Rego Avatar

    I already knew you were awesome but this is the clincher. Thanks for putting into words the way I wish others saw the world.

  67. Marissa Avatar

    Internal dialogue: “I’m already Awesome… But perhaps I could become more Awesome?”
    You’ve piqued my interest, and Away I Go!

  68. NatetheSunningCoyote Avatar

    RE: Jason’s
    “I think it may possibly be easier to attain this mythical state by simply espousing a basic set of principles that call upon respect, compassion, integrity, and generosity in some fashion. When operating with these elements constantly guiding your thoughts and your actions, awesomeness is your for the taking”.

  69. Spara Avatar

    I left this page feeling AWESOME!

  70. Christine Avatar

    After reading your article I realized that I too am fucking awesome! Love your article

  71. Susan Avatar

    I have a fun Peace sign and Stars tattoos on my back shoulder. I like it and it’s fucking awesome too 😉

  72. Jason Armstrong Avatar

    Fucking awesome dude.

  73. Jason Keath Avatar

    Well played as usual Julien.

  74. Kami Huyse Avatar

    I want to like this post, I really do.

    I even agree with your three “standards” to become the best person you can be (not sure about “awesome”) you have to look within yourself, who you surround yourself with and how you give back to the world around you.

    That said, some of the particular ways you say you become “awesome” are just misguided:

    1. The main judge is yourself, and whether you like yourself more than you did yesterday or last year. >> NO. Really, haven’t you ever had a boss that thought he was pretty awesome but in fact was a complete jerk? I sure have. It is important that you can look yourself in the mirror every night, but this isn’t completely subjective. Your personal happiness may be, but not so much “awesomeness.”

    2. I agree that it is so important to surround yourself with people who don’t buy into the “hype.” It’s critical actually. But Ask Twitter if your are awesome, or if they see flaws, or what impression people on it have of you? Are you serious? That is just ridiculous, people on Twitter follow you for the value you add for the most part. They don’t want to psychanalyze you, and if you ask they just start to thing you have a huge ego and are looking for strokes. And I am not even going to get into the crazy “Tweet This” button right in the middle of that section — don’t believe they hype, but hey, create some hype for me please.

    3. I also believe that having a purpose bigger than yourself is critical. Doing something with your life that makes a difference is the most important thing you can do. However, your assertion that you can just decide to become more awesome and then just “look it up on the internet to figure out how” to make world “automagically” bigger is just nuts.

    All of this talk that everyone can just wish themselves into success without doing anything of substance is something that is concerning me. Even more is these calls for “cultish” behavior.

    Listen, everyone wants to feel good about themselves and what they are adding to the world, but you have to look at what you are actually accomplishing, too. For examples of this, look at Scott Harrison who founded Charity Water, or Tony Hsieh, founder of Zappos, who redefined customer service – just to name a few. Very ordinary people can do extraordinary things, but you can’t be satisfied with just feeling “awesome.” It needs to be deeper than a feel-good pep talk.

  75. Dan Perez Avatar

    Well, this certainly is great news for all the broke homeless and and dead people out there. As for all the people who make a bunch of money, have thriving careers, and/or are famous, you can stop laughing your asses off now.

    Thank God the world’s gonna end in 2012 anyway…

  76. Sylvain "awesome" Grand'Maison Avatar

    Fucking Sweet but it ain’t Short 😛
    Good job on this one, dude.

  77. Tim Avatar

    fucking awesome. Period.

  78. Laura Avatar

    I did not read the post because I choose to believe that only GOD can truly be AWESOME!

  79. Dave LaMorte Avatar

    I am really trying hard to be awesome. I’m taking my awesome friends and putting on an awesome artshow because I want everyone to know how awesome they are. I am going to be that guy because I have the will to be awesome. Take my hand and join me.

  80. Lori Denny Avatar
    Lori Denny

    No matter how good the content or purpose, the foul language is a real turnoff. If you can revise it to be comfortable to read by those who refuse to sink to using this language, THAT would be awesome!

  81. Richie-P Avatar

    People need to chill about foul language and learn to become more awesome. There’s something in this world for everyone. You don’t like foul language? That’s totally awesome, I’m happy for you, there’s a thousand and one preachers out there you’ll dig.

    This is for a different crowd.

    Really inspiring Julien, thank you!

  82. Battgal Avatar

    Hi Julien, yur article about being fucking awesome was fucking awesome! I’ve often thought about what it must be like to be f. awesome, and I was happy to come across someone who felt that everyone could become I have a couple of observations. first, just using the word ‘awesome’ in a sentence makes me feel awesome. second, I agree that people doing things outside their circle/comfort zone are awesome. and third I sometimes think about my experiences and imagine them happening to someone else to check if I am truly being awesome. for example, I think about my trip to Thailand and think wow, that was awesome! 🙂 thanks for the inspiration and I will keep your words in mind in my personal quest to be awesome!

  83. Genevieve Avatar

    LOVED this – thanks for being awesome 🙂

  84. Kent Avatar

    I looked at your post from a twitter thread. Fucking awesome! I’ve saved in my bookmarks in case I forget what awesome really should mean. Thanks

  85. Widi Asmoro Avatar

    good post! inspired me today

  86. Paul Avatar

    For a second I thought you were saying I could be a Thai sex slave if I wanted to be. Whew!

    Although that would be awesome too. But mostly not awesome. Or awesome like Vesuvius.

  87. -c Avatar

    Thank you for this. It inspired me. I can’t tweet it or share it with my kids because of the language. I’d really like to but it makes em uncomfortable. I still think you’re awesome. Maybe choice of words impacts the size of your circle. Keep being awesome. 🙂

  88. Joe Avatar

    I love this post and I reference it to friends all the time. To me it is a variant of “be excellent to each other.” Joe.

  89. Javi Avatar

    Wow. This is the best post I’ve read in weeks. Congrats!!

    Just discoverd your blog thanks to Corbet Barr from Think Traffic.

    And you’ve gained a subscriber 🙂


  90. Radman Avatar

    Love the area of Malacca – Singapore was lots of fun.
    Oh, fucking awesome post. Thanks to Corbett Barr’s tweet.

  91. dawg Avatar

    Your site doesn’t work well on a smart phone, in particular the vertical scrolling. Not very awesome. But great post, nonetheless!

  92. wilson Avatar

    Best fucking awesome post in the web! A new religion I love this. I believe everyone has something awesome in them that they can share with the world, the only thing that stops them is the F word, as Seth Godin says “fear”.

    I say let’s fuck you to fear and do what makes us awesome, who cares what people think. Some will love you, some won’t. That’s just life.

    Thanks for expressing these thoughts in writing with us Julien

  93. Travis Avatar

    This is an incredible post my friend~!

    thank yoU for INspiring & for not waiting to be fucking awesome~!


  94. Jonathan "Not the cookie lady's son" Fields Avatar

    Wondering if this entire post would fit on a tattoo…

  95. TravisP Avatar

    I enjoyed your off-color delivery of some awesome truths! Note: As you become Fucking Awesome you will no longer be broke or homeless. The finding and embracing of your Awesomeness gives you power to affect your world. The essence of this message is “Oh, So True!”, despite those that might nit-pick the chosen examples or language choices. I’ll definitely share this with others. Thanks!

  96. Nate Dodson Avatar

    Great fucking post.

    I can honestly say that I am way more awesome now than I have been in a long time – maybe forever. I am currently working on one of the craziest projects in internet marketing history, and I’m so excited about it I’m about to shit my pants.

    Thanks for this!

  97. Kenny Rose Avatar

    I don’t come here often enough. But I know who makes me think about how to be real. And your on my list. I ain’t done enough awesome shit. I guarantee I am going to change that and do more awesome shit. My pond is small. When I went to Thailand. I was in Pattaya made me sick daily the shit I saw. There are not enough awesome people I don’t want to be one of the may be I should do something. Since I got involved with the people in this circle of blogs and twitter I have been made whole again. Thank you.

  98. Papa GZ Avatar

    Followed a link from Corbett Bar’s site & have to say this post is Awesome! I will be back often…

  99. Janice MacLeod Avatar

    That was fucking awesome. I love that being awesome should be a religion. Hell to the yes.

  100. Benny Avatar

    Really mind blowing stuff. This I have to re-read over and over again.

  101. Early Retirement Extreme Avatar

    That was awesome, like a hotdog.

  102. se7elndn Avatar

    Cool stuff. I wanted to spread your idea to my fellow Japanese as well. I have translated your work for them. I have included a link to this page. I hope you don’t mind.

    You are awesome!
    many thanks,

  103. Albert Lai Avatar

    That was pretty awesome.


  104. stella so Avatar
    stella so

    I just wanted to let you know that your post is so pretentious. You seem to promote this idea that everything is simple. Well, it is not. Try to be real next time.

    1. juan pedro Avatar
      juan pedro

      As a Woman you wouldn’t know the first thing about being awesome. The world is simple if you use your manly brain and mantuition to work this shit out.

  105. Cláudio Avatar

    Hi there, friend! This blog IS fucking AWESOME. I agree to your ideas, in this post. We can make our lives much more awesome, by changing simple things. Thank you!

  106. Matt Koyak Avatar

    @julien, reading this post helped me realize that I strayed from “being fucking awesome”. I think this needs a follow-up: “My path to fucking awesomeness doesn’t include you… Sorry.” covering how to deal with those difficult people we encounter in our daily lives.

    It’s funny how we are so susceptible to falling into a rut where one or two individuals can, let’s just say, cloud your awesomeness. Just as you said, we need only be concerned with the awesome people in order to get back to fucking awesomeness. And if you’re not fucking awesome, there’s just no place for you… Sorry.

  107. Amy Scott Avatar

    THIS is what I’m talking about! This is the most simple yet most mind-boggling thing I’ve read in ages, and it’s going to take some time to sort out what this really means for me, my life, my business, my blog. Thanks for the kick in the ass.

  108. anthonynlee Avatar

    first, i want to say thank you very much for introducing me to my new religion. see, i didn’t have one…cuz i am an atheist, but now i do.
    the cult of awesomeness.
    whats funny, is that i use that word all the time. in most of my copy, and even my professional copy (don’t care to work for anyone who doesn’t recognize awesome as a skill and an asset anyway).
    very terrific dude.

  109. Jen Avatar

    Holy cow, I love this! I could eat this for lunch it’s so good, and it happens to be my lunch time!

    I’m inspired and charged up. Thank you and cound me in the cult of Awesomeness!! Whooo hooo!

  110. Tim Rooney Avatar
    Tim Rooney

    Nice article, but mostly full of BS. I agree with some parts, but mostly this is your opinion on such a subjective topic. There are other characteristics that make a person awesome that you did not mention.

  111. Randomly Directed Avatar
    Randomly Directed

    What an utterly vacuous article. Being “awesome”? Indeed, like it’s obvious what is and isn’t awesome. If I were to use the Principle of Charity, I’d guess that what you’re really trying to say is “enjoy every minute of your life”, which is another trite statement that you’re trying to pass off as something profound.

  112. (what runs) Lori Avatar

    This post is fucking awesome…

  113. Random Girl Avatar

    Wow, you make is sound so simple to be awesome….and based on your breakdown, it really should be. I’m going to start being awesome. Right now. Consider me converted. Great post!

  114. Jo-Anne Avatar

    This was an awsome post loved it thank you really for writting it as I really enjoyed reading it…..

  115. Claude Avatar

    Hello awesome Julien,
    I love the idea of being “awesome”…For me, awesome would mean to start my own local business with global reach…I would like to write like Ev and Gwen and get paid for it…I would like to invest in creating a comfortable home by a quiet lake next to the city that would welcome new guests every second week-end…It’s more than willpower that’s needed, it’s a clear business plan. Can you help me find a partner or mentor?
    With loving kindness,

  116. Darragh Avatar

    You sir, are awesome,

  117. Limantina Sihaloho Avatar
    Limantina Sihaloho

    Wooow! I join the Cult! Thanks a lot!

  118. Sujana Avatar

    You should be a motivational speaker, seriously! 😀

  119. geewilly Avatar

    You know… when I toke on some ganja; I always feel awesome. Most people (who aren’t a bunch of no-good “haters”) do too…

    I often think if someone suggests something midly interesting, I give a mildly-interested reply. Add some ganja, and its a very interested reply…

    These and a few other things make me thing ganja is awesome:

    bad food tastes good

    sleep is easier to attain, though optional

    you can smell like a skunk and have the eyes of a devil, and totally get laid while doing it

    things that are awesome, often involve things that are funny or making things funny. well ganja makes it easier to make funnies; what else would you describe this as OTHER than awesome?

    Just sayin’; the parallels are astounding. In fact, reading back through the article… perhaps this writer had a bit of ganja?

    1. beth Avatar

      agreed. This is pretentious egotistical childish BS.

      1. mish Avatar

        and the description you provide differs from your comment how?? GO ON…try being awesome!

  120. Kathleen Avatar

    I count myself very lucky to have a trove of totally Awesome friends. Thanks for reminding me!

  121. Israel Avatar

    The world needs AWESOME. Carpe Diem world!

  122. Jimmy Trigger Avatar
    Jimmy Trigger

    Here is my page promoting pretty much the same thing…Awesome Blog \m/ 😉

  123. Chris Marr Avatar
    Chris Marr

    Awesome is as awesome does. I feel inspired now! Thank you. 🙂

  124. Gloria Avatar

    At last I found my true religion! Thank you!

  125. Chris Avatar

    This is fucking awesome, Julien. You hit the nail on the head. I’ve been working out some notes related to an “awesome” theme, and your blog is perfect validation of that. New subscriber here. Good stuff.

  126. JWStewart Avatar

    I just wanted to say how much I love the design of your website. I’d be very curious to know who did it.

  127. Jayden Avatar

    I’m fucking Awesome!:)

  128. Johnny Avatar

    I really don’t think that the example of that dude helping children out of the sex industry in Thailand was well chosen. It didn’t fit in the whole rationale of “all you have to do is to simply do it!!” because deciding to go to the other end of the world save children is not the kind of thing you envision with a “let’s do it! for awesomeness!!!” kind of state of mind.
    If it takes balls to be awesome by doing art, sports, business or self-help books, then what does it take to go face the horrors of this world like slavery and actually try and do something about them? What *may* have gone through this man’s head is more like a gut feeling of disgust mixed with hatred for the perps and loss of faith in mankind, followed by a strong burst of revolt and a very harsh decision : “I’m making it personal”. If you can, talk to one of those FBI agents near the mexican border about the 12 years-old they try to help escape the mexican prostitution networks and have to release back in Mexico because of immigration laws, only to be caught by their pimps again, tell them how awesome they are, and they’ll tell you to go watch Neil Patrick Harris crack jokes on TV while comfortably sprawling on your fuckin sofa.

    Conclusion : being awesome is cool. Being a hero? … Yeah. You get my point. Seriously, ponder this before you even dare compare yourself to someone who does stuff like that. Reminds me of the “harden the fuck up” pic on the “Life doesn’t start tomorrow” post of this blog :

    (sorry for the English, I’m French)

  129. Jarkko Helenius Avatar

    This is an awesome article and one of the key ones to influence me over the time I’ve read this blog. I think it sub-consciously even affected on me naming my blog – I had not read this article in a long time when I came up with that name.

  130. Ian Robinson Avatar

    YES! This is it! Awesome is the new religion.



  131. asbalo Avatar

    I dont need this site im already fucking awesome!!!

  132. ERIC Avatar

    Everyone should read comment #131.

    This kid is not awesome in my book, like most 25 year olds you are more interested in LOOKING cool and SOUNDING cool. Telling people what they want to hear to make them feel better is the oldest game in the world.

    Remember a lot of people thought Hitler was awesome. Just because you have fans does not mean you are a decent human being and not a low life scum.

    Dude, this site is about you and TRYING to be cool and excepted. Everything every 25 year THINKS is important.

  133. Louis Blythe Avatar

    IM IN!!!!

    Great post mate!

    Really sums it up for me.

    How can we break out of all this bullshit! (email)

    And move to awesomeness!

  134. Kish Avatar

    Great article..I`m sure it will help…thanks a lot.

  135. sarah Avatar

    I don’t often find myself thinking “i’d like to drop acid with that guy” but i did, just then, whilst reading your crap up there. I’m pretty fucking awesome.

  136. Joe Avatar

    This is one of the few blog posts I come back to and re-read/share often. It’s…well…awesome. I’ll be writing a book in 2013. It’s an anthropological field study based on my 12+ years in corporate America (you didn’t think I worked for THE MAN for shits and giggles, did you?). Not sure what I am calling it yet. Possible subtitles are…

    My Life Among the Cube Drones

    Wear Slippers to Work (and Other Tips for an Awesome Life)

    I’m hesitant to re-use the word AWESOME though, given Julien’s excellent wielding of it.

    I’d tell you to subscribe to my blog, but you’d see right through that shameless plug, cuz you’re awesome. Plus, I don’t care if you do or don’t. I don’t need any more touchy feely hipster blog posts in my inbox either. I’m with you there.

  137. Joe Avatar

    Hi Julien. I have a job interview tomorrow (one that will get me out of my sphere and make me a little tiny bit more awesome, even if I don’t hook up the writer posish). I like to read this post before job interviews as kind of a morale builder. It is still one of my all time faves. Job or no job, I will still be a little more awesome for trying.


  138. Andalib Avatar

    Dude I got one thing to say. Your awesome!!

  139. Rosa Avatar

    Fucking awesomeness starts now!!!!

  140. Harsha Avatar

    Fuck yeah!!
    Fucking awesomeness, here I come!

  141. Kristen Avatar

    I love this blog so much, it has gotten me through a hell of a lot of difficult times since I discovered it (roughly a year ago) and I must admit that this past year has been the most difficult year of my life. I have suffered through a lot of bad things recently, and I have to express my gratitude for your posts helping me through these tough times and realizing my potential. So thank you for helping me, and everyone else who reads your blog, to rediscover self worth, growth, change and ultimate success. xx

  142. Colton Winters Avatar
    Colton Winters

    So, while searching random things up in google during a brief period of writer’s block I found this and thought it was fucking awesome. Thanks for making my day.

  143. Jody Kielblock Avatar
    Jody Kielblock

    So true. Love it. Rock on xx

  144. Thomas Yates Avatar

    Just last night I was thinking about, becoming awesome. Like, it is an actual choice that you, me or anybody can choose.

    I agree, it is completely subjective, what awesome looks like to me, may not be the same as what awesome looks like to anybody else, but it is still awesome none the less.

    I have decided to think about what my ideal life would be in say 10 years time and then go about breaking this down into different areas – finance, health, relationship, location etc… setting myself goals in each of these areas and breaking them down into small steps.

    Becoming awesome is not just something that usually happens overnight, but once you know what awesome looks like to yourself, then you can take steps everyday to be awesome! It is just a matter of choosing to be awesome!

  145. Ren Wilson Avatar
    Ren Wilson

    Working on it…

  146. lacey Avatar

    I can’t believe you’re here in Malaysia! I love reading your blog and I think you’re fucking right when you talk about expanding one’s world. Let me know if you need any tips around Malaysia, would be more than happy to help! 🙂

  147. lacey Avatar

    I can’t believe you’re here in Malaysia! I love reading your blog and I think you’re fucking right when you talk about expanding one’s world. Let me know if you need any tips around Malaysia, would be more than happy to help! 🙂

  148. John Grotts Avatar

    I believe we are! And that’s Awesome.

  149. Avatar

    And don’t forget, every single one of you is guilty of taking a government bailout
    any time you make a claim for health insurance repayment from the Aarogyasri Trust.

  150. Joe Avatar

    Has anyone coined the phrase “pseodoawesome,” to be applied to public personas who appear awesome in public, but are actually narcissistic, manipulative douchebags in private? Just wondering. I see this personality type a lot when I work with my lifestyle coaching clients in Nashville and LA. These are usually musicians on the ascending side of the short, sweet climb to their 15 minutes of fame. Many of them I decline simply because they lack a growth mindset, even if they have considerable innate talent. They truly believe their pseodoawesomeness requires an “eat or be eaten” competetive, fixed mindset that’s inflexible. *sigh*

    But it’s fulfilling when I get a client with a growth mindset, willing to be flexible and hone their talents, while harnessing the simple systemic lifestyle factors that fertilize awesomeness, healthy eating, exercise, meditation, and most important…good social skills (probably the main difference between my awesome clients and their pseudoawesome contemporaries…the latter of whom will likely troll this comment).

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